As you will have discovered if you have been attentively reading through my blog entries over the past couple of weeks, I have rather a poor record of persevering with particular ideas, particularly in relation to proposed creative projects. It has proven no different in the case of my most recent project, ALMBWABPBIDCFERTIE. I quickly began to have all kinds of doubts, less specifically in relation to the artistic merit of the project than in terms of its practical possibility. I should note that I had deliberately inoculated myself against disabling creative doubt by anticipating these doubts at the outset – they are mentioned in my initial description. In this manner, doubt becomes an aesthetic element within the project rather than figuring as an alien impediment. So my focus has been on practical issues. Can I find enough illegally dumped cars? Can I make sufficient walks in the next 5 weeks or so to assemble a decent line of bits and pieces? More intricately, wouldn’t the pieces need to be rather small to actually roll up into a scroll, and wouldn’t this require more trips than I can possibly manage? And then, more importantly, how can I actually cut out sections of cars without drawing attention to my actions (angle grinders are loud) and without risking damaging myself or the local environment? The latter is a particular concern. I have no wish, for instance, to start a bushfire. I am still mulling over these problems, determined to find workable solutions.

Considering slight modifications to original plan. It may be that the long scroll of pieces is unrealistic. The line may be better expressed less literally. May also be better to employ fewer pieces and to do most of the cutting closer to home. I am now thinking of small mounds of cut up car pieces.

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